
Telia’s mobile networks win quality awards in global analysis

2 min

Telia Finland won both consistent quality awards in research company Opensignal’s global analysis of the user experience in mobile networks. The independent study compared user experience in more than 250 operators’ networks from around the world.

The analysis introduced two new award categories that measure the consistent quality of customer's user experience. Telia Finland ranked first in both Excellent consistent quality and Core consistent quality categories. Telia Company achieved a total of eight Global Winner awards in the analysis in different countries.

"A well-functioning and safe society relies on reliable and high-quality networks. The domestic mobile networks we are building with Nokia have now been found to be the most consistent in quality in the world in an independent comparison," says Jari Collin, CTO, Telia Finland.

Excellent consistent quality measures the experience when using services that require higher performance, for example, HD video viewing, video conferencing or online mobile gaming.

Core consistent quality measures experience with more basic network services, like calls, SD video and web browsing.

Consistent quality was measured with six key performance indicators: average download speed, upload speed, latency, jitter, packet loss and time to first byte. Ranking was based on the percentage of user tests that met the minimum recommended performance thresholds.

In Opensignal's studies, mobile phone operators are compared based on how users experience their networks when using different services. The most recent global study compared the user experience in eight categories: download speed from the network, upload speed to the network, time spent on 4G/5G network, excellent consistent quality and core consistent quality, video viewing, mobile gaming and use of voice applications.

Opensignal independent analysis is based on mobile measurements recorded during the period July 1 – December 27, 2022.

Opensignal Awards – Global Mobile Network Experience Awards 2023, © 2023 Opensignal Limited

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