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5G Finland

5G Finland was a network for pioneers innovating, concepting and testing the possibilities of 5G future.

5G Finland was set up to create and pilot applications and services enabled by 5G. The network of 100 companies and 300 people was active during 2017–2020. Fostering pilot schemes and partnerships is increasingly becoming a part of everyday customer work, so there is less need for a separate network. 5G Finland has achieved what it set out to do.

More about 5G in Finnish

The future of 5G

Applications and pilot projects have become a part of everyday business in exactly the way that the network envisaged when it was set up. Telia is constantly seeking expert partners to launch solutions enabled by 5G.

When the 5G network is more widely available, it will be possible to build applications that rely on high bandwidth and virtually zero latency e.g. in the fields of AI, robotics and XR solutions. By continuing to work together, we can ensure that Finland will remain a frontrunner.

Building real 5G together

5G Finland took a forward-looking approach to the inclusion of a broad range of authorities, startups, corporations and representatives of academia. The idea was to identify the best, most useful ways of exploiting the new technology together.

Within the network, we have completed several projects in the public eye. To name a few, one of Europe’s first 360 live broadcasts from the Telia 5G Areena, the use of video to aid in the maintenance of production plants, experiments with 5G face recognition in an ice cream kiosk and at Slush, and the use of video analytics for quality control.

How is 5G transforming our cities and society?

5G is now commonplace in Finland, and we are at the global forefront in many respects. Half of Finland’s population will soon be covered by a 5G network. While 5G networks are constructed and consumers adopt 5G phones in increasing numbers, the application of the new technology in industry and business is making progress.


Who was on board?